In the News: August 10, 2015

Congressional Trio Pushes Crib Bumper Pad Ban
August 3, 2015, Columbus Dispatch
A bi-partisan trio of central Ohio lawmakers is seeking changes they say will save babies lives. The U.S. Representatives will not rule out proposing laws if fixes they are requesting are not forthcoming. They have asked the CPSC for an update on its review of the suffocation risk posed by bumper pads.

CPSC Chairman’s Challenge: Prevent Injuries, Save Lives and Make a Real Difference
August, 2015, Chairman Kaye’s Blog
The agency leader has asked for help in solving pressing consumer product-related safety problems that cause life-altering injuries and take lives. His attempt to promote innovation and engagement around safety issues includes drowning, poisoning and chemical exposure, children’s products, as well as head and brain injury prevention.

Kids Will Still Play Football Despite Growing Head Injury Concerns
August 9, 2015, The Gazette
Despite life-threatening and life-taking incidents, concussions, and NFL players leaving celebrated careers early, people are going to continue to play and watch football. An increase in research and knowledge assisted by campaigns such as the CPSC has underway promotes greater understanding of the nature of the quandary; there are also some practical steps for getting control over safety practices in a sport that captivates our culture.

Regulatory Recap of State, National, and International Product Safety News
August, 2015, Anseco Group
This recap includes CPSC actions, updated ASTM standards, California Proposition 65 recent settlements, as well as various state and counties actions against toxic toys and children’s products. Also included are legislative proposals, and international developments covering North America, Europe, and Asia.

Bring Brand Ambassadors Under Consumer Law: CAIT
August 3, 2015,
An India trading group has called for the inclusion of brand ambassadors and spokespersons under the country’s consumer product law. The group claims that endorsement in an advertisement can have a “big impact” on consumer choice and “the brand ambassadors cannot escape from the liability for the claims they make in endorsements.”

Engaging Millenials and Generation Y in consumer Product Safety: Developing Your Next Generation of Leaders
August 3, 2015, Product Safety Letter
Succession planning is relevant not only for those running a business, also for an entire field of professionals. The author, a young leader from Australia, lays out a vision for who the next generation of leaders is, what they value, and what their development as product safety professionals might look like.

Nestlé Launches Global R&D Center in Ohio to Address Diverse Consumer Food Demands
August 3, 2015, Corporate Social Responsibility Newswire
A $50 million facility dedicated to balancing innovation with technology in frozen and chilled foods has been opened in Solon, Ohio. The location of the center reflects the growth in size and complexity of the company’s businesses in the U.S.

Confidence in Data Security: Weak Links-The Information Supply Chain
August 7, 2015, Computer Weekly
Manufacturers and retailers have extensive physical supply chains to move goods around. With more sharing of data through external users across public networks, companies can exploit information supply chains better if they improve their confidence in information security.

Examining Food Recalls, Health Issues, Packaging and Safety
August 3, 2015, Packaging World
An analysis points out that the pick up in incidents in food safety health hazards has resulted in the introduction of new pathogen testing techniques, novel packaging, intervention technologies and advances in electronic tracking systems.



Posted in Chemical Hazards, Children's Products, Food Safety, Global Developments, Innovation, Organizational Development, Product Liability, Product Safety Rules, Product Standards, Risk Assessment, Supply Chain, Sustainability