MIXED REVIEW ON FIDGET SPINNER STATUS >Fidget spinner catches on fire July 7, 2017, wkrg-tv Fidget spinners are everywhere but are they a fire hazard? A family in Gardendale, Alabama says their fidget spinner burst into flames after being put more »
MIXED REVIEW ON FIDGET SPINNER STATUS >Fidget spinner catches on fire July 7, 2017, wkrg-tv Fidget spinners are everywhere but are they a fire hazard? A family in Gardendale, Alabama says their fidget spinner burst into flames after being put more »
Company maintains light’s safety despite growing reports of fires May 10, 2017, Fox8 News The number of local reports of the Ever Brite solar-powered LED light spontaneously catching fire is growing, while the company behind the product maintains that it more »
California Proposition 65’s increase in settlements on phthalates in certain consumer products April 17, 2017, military-technologies.net In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of California Proposition 65 settlements concerning phthalates in consumer products. These settlements require more »
CPSC Publishes new federal safety standard for infant bath tubs March 31, 2017, Federal Register Notice (CPSC) The U. S. Consumer Product Safety Commission has approved a new mandatory federal standard intended to improve the safety of infant bath tubs more »
Samsung cites two separate battery issues for its Note7 recall woes January 22, 2017, Washingtonpost.com Samsung looked to regain the trust of its customers as it revealed that two separate battery issues caused one of its best-selling smartphones to catch more »
As batteries keep catching fire, U.S. safety agency prepares for change November 27, 2016, npr In October, CPSC Chairman Elliot Kaye introduced a new initiative to help the agency get a broader understanding of the battery industry and how to more »
PetSmart Agrees to Pay $4.25 Million Civil Penalty, Compliance Improvements for Failure to Report Defective Glass Fish Bowls and Misrepresentation November 14, 2016, CPSC.gov PetSmart Inc. of Phoenix, Arizona has agreed to pay a $4.25 million civil penalty for failing more »
Dresser makers pressed to more quickly improve safety standards November 11, 2016, philly.com Safety advocates accused furniture manufacturers of resisting much-needed changes they say could help reduce the risk of dresser tip-overs, tied to scores of deaths and thousands of more »
Samsung recalls expanding to China after consumer and media complaints November 2, 2016, National Law Review (Keller and Heckman) Within weeks of the much-publicized Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphone recall in North America, a social media and media outcry in China more »
Wrong diagnosis of Note7 problem doomed device October 24, 2016, itwire.com After first reports of Samsung Galaxy Note7 smartphones catching fire came in, company executives decided, based on lab reports that showed a bulge in batteries supplied by Samsung SDI, more »